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Professor Jun Heo signs MOU with construction big data startup Cornworth Kolon Global
건설환경공학과 관리자
게시글 내용

 Kolon Global Co., Ltd. signed a business agreement with Conworth, a construction site big data solution startup, for 'utilization of digital twin integrated construction site data platform technology'. Digital transformation is accelerating, and the ability to utilize big data produced in the construction process is expected to determine the future of construction companies." and "To lead this future, 'big data optimized for data characteristics of construction sites' We have signed a technical cooperation business agreement with Conworth, which has 'solutions'.”

 Through this agreement, the two companies will use Boston Dynamics' four-legged robot 'Spot' to collect various 3D big data (3D design (BIM), Internet of Things (IoT), 360-degree photos, and construction material volume) of construction sites. It was decided to jointly develop future big data solution technology by interlocking it, and it is expected that this will improve the stability of the construction site, improve quality and increase productivity.

 Professor Heo Jun announced, “Through a technical cooperation business agreement with Kolon Global, we will establish a data acquisition, storage, management, analysis, and application platform optimized for the construction site, and through this, we will set a new milestone in innovation in the construction industry.” It announced a plan to advance into the overseas market of smart construction worth 20 trillion won through big data platform technology.